
So True? So False? Is Kim Kardashian Pregnant?!

By now you may have seen the rumors swirling through the blogosphere: our E! buddy Kim Kardashian has a bun in the oven courtesy of newly minted fiancé Kris Humphries.

The shocker was delivered via OK! magazine—which blares on its new Kim-centric cover: "I'm Having a Baby!"—and features quotes from an unnamed "pal" saying, "Kim always thought she'd have at least one or two kids by now, so she's absolutely in a hurry...Her friends are even taking bets on whether it will be a boy or a girl."

So is she really having a baby? We've spoken to our very own Kardashian insider (someone extemely close to the family, if you catch our drift) and we're proclaiming the Kim-with-child story to be...

So false!

Posted by The Home Treatment on 2:32 PM. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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